Christopher columbus

Early Years

Columbus first went to sea as a teenager, participating in several trading voyages in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas. One such voyage, to the island of Khios, in modern day Greece, brought him the closest he would ever come to Asia. ADVERTISEMENT   Thanks for watching!Visit Website   ADVERTISEMENT   Thanks for watching!Visit Website  

His first voyage into the Atlantic Ocean in 1476 nearly cost him his life as the commercial fleet he was sailing with was attacked by French privateers off the coast of Portugal. His ship was burned and Columbus had to swim to the Portuguese shore.

He made his way to Lisbon, Portugal, where he eventually settled and married Felipa Perestrello. The couple had one son, Diego, around 1480. His wife died soon after, and Columbus moved to Spain. He had a second son, Fernando, who was born out of wedlock in 1488 with Beatriz Enriquez de Arana.

After participating in several other expeditions to Africa, Columbus gained knowledge of the Atlantic currents flowing east and west from the Canary Islands.

A Journey West

Columbus may have conceived of the idea of sailing west to reach Asia as early as 1481 due to his correspondence with an Italian scholar, Paolo del Pozzo Toscaneli, who convinced him it was possible. In 1484, Columbus made a pitch to King João of Portugal, who turned him down. Columbus proceeded to Spain, where he first proposed such a trip in January of 1486. Ferdinand and Isabella were intrigued, but they were occupied with the reconquest of Granada. They told Columbus to wait. In 1492, Columbus had just about given up (in fact, he was on his way to see the King of France) when they decided to sponsor his trip.

Карьера в киноиндустрии

Одной из первых работ, выполненных Коламбусом, стал сценарий к фильму «Гремлины». Им заинтересовался уже тогда знаменитый режиссер и продюсер Стивен Спилберг, и в 1984 году с его помощью был снят первый фильм о гремлинах, имевший довольно большой успех в 80-х.

Впервые свои режиссерские способности Коламбус Крис применил в 1987 году, сняв комедийную ленту «Приключения приходящей няни». Но настоящим успехом стал семейный рождественский фильм «Один дома», который он снял в 1990 году. Картина не только собрала огромные суммы в прокате, но и была очень тепло принята публикой и кинокритиками, а сегодня является культовой лентой, которую ежегодно перед Рождеством и Новым годом смотрят миллионы людей по всей планете.

В 1992 году Крис Коламбус, фильмы которого уже стали высоко цениться, снял сиквел нашумевшей комедии под названием «Один дома 2: Затерянный в Нью-Йорке».

Помимо двух фильмов «Один дома», Коламбус снял первую и вторую части кинофраншизы о Гарри Поттере, которые добились просто фантастической популярности.

Получили также известность среди кинопроектов, которыми занимался Крис Коламбус, фильмы «Ночь в музее» и «Прислуга».

Также Коламбус является соавтором Неда Виззини в написании романа «Дом секретов». Если перечислять все проекты режиссера, то можно написать целую книгу о нем. Крис Коламбус, биография которого стала объектом нашего внимания, является выдающимся человеком с невероятным количеством всевозможных талантов. Итак, какие еще работы, созданные им, достойны внимания?


Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

April Fool

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 1 (Gold)

Stage 2 (Gold)

Stage 3 (Gold)

Stage 4 (Gold)

Portrait (Stage 1)

Portrait (Stage 2)

Portrait (Stage 3)

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Command Card (Stage 1)

Command Card (Stage 2)

Command Card (Stage 3)

NP Logo

NP Pose (True Name Revealed)

Musket and Sabre

I kid you not, he turns himself into an egg

Official Render (Stage 1)

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Columbus Jiangshi 1 (Chaldea Summer Adventure Story only)

Columbus Jiangshi 2 (Chaldea Summer Adventure Story only)

Columbus Jiangshi 3 (Chaldea Summer Adventure Story only)

Columbus Lily 1 (Chaldea Summer Adventure Story only)

Columbus Lily 2 (Chaldea Summer Adventure Story only)

La Niña (Max Bond CE)

Standing Hard-Boiled Eggs (Valentine CE)


Greatest Ocean

FGO MyCraft April Fools

Illustration by Moto Murabito

Illustration by Moto Murabito

Illustration by Moto Murabito

Illustration by Moto Murabito

Illustration by Moto Murabito

Illustration by Moto Murabito

Columbus Lily by Moto Murabito

Columbus Lily Santa Fan Art by Moto Murabito

Columbus Lily by Moto Murabito

Columbus and Columbus Lily by Moto Murabito

BAR-Troia Illustration by Moto Murabito

Columbus Alter Fan Art by Moto Murabito

Columbus Lily by Moto Murabito

Outbreaks: SARS and MERS

The first major outbreak caused by the coronavirus took place in Beijing in 2002, when a strain of the virus known as SARS-Cov caused the proliferation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, a disease that, as its name indicates, affects the respiratory system and in some cases can lead to death. In this case, the center of propagation was a food market in Canton and the origin was a bat.

Initially, the country underestimated the disease, so the virus spread uncontrollably, affecting the medical personnel who received the infected and everyone who had contact with them. Once the medical alert was declared, the virus was controlled, however, by then it had already spread to other countries in Asia, causing the death of more than 800 people. Thousands were infected. At the time, China’s response to the emergency was criticized.

In 2012, a new type of coronavirus was discovered, MERS-CoV (also known as MERS), which was transmitted from animals, in this case, dromedary, to humans, causing serious damage to the respiratory system. The first cases were reported in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and although human-to-human contagion was low, the WHO issued an alert shortly after. However, the virus spread, both in the Middle East and in Europe, as many travelers (without symptoms) arrived home infected.

As of today, several cases of the virus can be found, in most of these, the infected person was for a short time in the Middle East. Cases have been confirmed in the United States, France, the Philippines, Turkey, and South Korea, among others.

Интересные факты биографии

В 1995 году режиссер основал свою компанию по производству видеоконтента. Названа она 1492 Pictures. Это название, как отмечают эксперты, обыгрывает тот факт, что Крис считает своим легенадрным однофамильцем известного мореплавателя и первооткрывателя Христофора Колумба. Тот приплыл в Америку как раз в 1492 году.

В 2013 году Крис приступил к написанию собственной подростковой серии романов. Есть версии, что после он хотел перенести ее на большой экран. Он работал в соавторстве с разными популярными авторами – Недом Виззини, Джоан Роулинг, Крисом Райлендером. Серия в итоге стала трилогией. И пока она не была перенесена в кинематограф.


Romanticized and historically revised versions of Colon based on his propaganda depictions are very common in Disney materials.


Although he never existed during the times of movies, his name was used in some Disney movies like Columbus Avenue in New York City which was named after him in Oliver & Company. He even made an animated appearance in the Disney movie, So Dear to My Heart when he was singing «Stick-to-it-ivity».

Television and shorts

He also made a brief appearance with Leif Erikson in the Academy Award winning short, It’s Tough to Be a Bird. The apocryphal tale of him discovering that the world wasn’t flat would have also been the subject of a theatrical short called Mickey Columbus, which would have placed Mickey Mouse in the role of Columbus, until it was shelved both to help the studio focus on full-length animated features and in fear of potentially producing offensive Native American stereotypes like in Peter Pan. His name and that of his three historical ships: the Santa Maria, the Nina, and the Pinta along with a fictitious 4th one called the «Snookie» was mentioned by Daisy in the Quack Pack episode; «Pride Goeth Before the Fall Guy». Ohio’s capital and largest city were also named after Christopher Columbus. A drawing of him has also seen in the Timon & Pumbaa episode; «Hakuna Matata U.». He has been mentioned in the Wizards of Waverly Place episode Retest.

Printed materials

The Donald Duck comic story; The Lost Charts of Columbus and the Goofy comic story; Christophorus Goofy Columbus where Goofy appeared as Christopher Columbus himself.

Disney Parks

A portrait of Christopher Columbus can be found within Fortress Explorations at Tokyo DisneySea within Explorers Hall, which serves to honor historical figures considered as Honorary Members of the Society of Explorers and Adventurers.

Trips of Christopher Columbus

First trip

On August 3, 1492, he left Puerto de Palos with two caravels, La Niña and La Pinta and La Santa María. Seeing time go by without touching land, the crew were desperate, provoking a mutiny that Columbus calmed, assuring that if in three days they did not see land, they would return to Spain.

On October 12, 1492, sailor Rodrigo de Triana spotted land. Christopher Columbus and his expedition reached the island that the natives called Guanahani, which Columbus named San Salvador, located in the Bahamas. He immediately explored and arrived in what is now Cuba, which he called Juana.

Columbus believed he had arrived in the East Indies and so he called his inhabitants “Indians“. Then he came to the island that today is from Haiti and the Dominican Republic and called it Hispaniola. On January 4, 1493, Christopher Columbus returned to Spain with the two caravels he had left, leaving 40 men at the Navidad Fort.

Second trip

Supported by the kings, he begins his second journey to discover oriental treasures. He left Cadiz on September 25, 1493 and discovered the Antilles, Cuba and Puerto Rico. He managed to reach Hispaniola, where he found the Navidad Fort destroyed and the men murdered. Columbus founded in that place the Isabela in honor of the Queen of Spain. After traveling and discovering Jamaica he returned to Isabela where he found chaos as the Spaniards forced the Indians to hand over the gold and killed each other.

Third trip

Several conditions and requirements were imposed on him so that, he could make the trip, and it took him longer to find people who would like to go with him. He left Cadiz on May 30th, 1498, with 6 ships. They arrived at the Canary Islands where 3 caravels left for the island of Hispaniola and another 3, where Columbus was travelling to Cape Green. On July 31 they discovered the Orinoco River and arrived in Venezuela. In this trip the rebellion of Francisco Roldán, who was the mayor of Hispaniola, took place.

Fourth trip

He left Cadiz on May 9, 1502 for the Canary Islands, then for the Lesser Antilles and from there, they went to Santo Domingo, where the governor Frey Nicolás de Obando, by order of the Catholic Monarchs, prohibited him from disembarking, so he had to continue towards Jamaica and Cuba, then descending towards Honduras, where on August 1 a contact between Europeans and Mayans was made.

They traveled the Caribbean coast of Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama arriving at Belén River, where they founded the first Spanish city: Santa María de Belén. There, they lost one of the caravels, destroyed by the storms. Then they arrived in Veragua where they lost another caravel. They only had two caravels left. They arrived in Jamaica on June 25, 1503 where they parked their two remaining caravels so as not to lose them in the sea.

Third Voyage

Columbus returned to the New World in May of 1498. He sent half of his fleet to resupply Santo Domingo and set off to explore, eventually reaching the north-eastern part of South America. He returned to Hispaniola and resumed his duties as governor, but the people despised him. He and his brothers were bad administrators and kept much of the little wealth generated by the colony for themselves. When the crisis reached a peak, Columbus sent to Spain for help. The crown sent Francisco de Bobadilla as governor: he soon identified Columbus as the problem and sent him and his brothers back to Spain in chains in 1500.


In 1493, Columbus took to the seas on his second expedition and explored more islands in the Caribbean Ocean. Upon arrival at Hispaniola, Columbus and his crew discovered the Navidad settlement had been destroyed with all the sailors massacred.

Spurning the wishes of the local queen, who found slavery offensive, Columbus established a forced labor policy over the native population to rebuild the settlement and explore for gold, believing it would prove to be profitable. His efforts produced small amounts of gold and great hatred among the native population.

Before returning to Spain, Columbus left his brothers Bartholomew and Diego to govern the settlement on Hispaniola and sailed briefly around the larger Caribbean islands further convincing himself he had discovered the outer islands of China.

It wasn’t until his third voyage that Columbus actually reached the mainland, exploring the Orinoco River in present-day Venezuela. Unfortunately, conditions at the Hispaniola settlement had deteriorated to the point of near-mutiny, with settlers claiming they had been misled by Columbus’ claims of riches and complaining about the poor management of his brothers.

The Spanish Crown sent a royal official who arrested Columbus and stripped him of his authority. He returned to Spain in chains to face the royal court. The charges were later dropped, but Columbus lost his titles as governor of the Indies and, for a time, much of the riches made during his voyages.

Noble Phantasm

Base Damage: x1.5


Noble Phantasm Type




Per Hit Percentage


6%, 13%, 20%, 26%, 35%


Deals damage to all enemies.

NP Level






Damage +






Overcharge Effect

Reduces their critical attack chance for 3 turns.







Crit Chance —






Upgrade after

Base Damage: x1.5


Noble Phantasm Type




Per Hit Percentage


6%, 13%, 20%, 26%, 35%


Deals damage to all enemies.
NP Level






Damage +






Overcharge Effect

Reduces their critical attack chance for 3 turns.






Crit Chance —






The ships Christopher Columbus used to sail to America were a nightmare.

The column of the Christopher Columbus monument in Barcelona, Spain, is almost 200 feet high.RussieseO/iStock via Getty Images Plus

The two smaller boats that made up Christopher Columbus’s fleet—the Niña and the Pinta (which were nicknames, not official names)—were state-of-the-art caravels. These vessels were known for their aerodynamic sails and lightweight build that made them fast and easy to navigate. They were also famously uncomfortable. The one cabin at the back of the ship was reserved for its captain, and the rest of the 20 to 30 crew members had to sleep on the cramped deck—that is, if they could ever stop working long enough to actually rest for a moment. The situation was slightly better on the larger Santa Maria, where there were cabins for both Columbus and his crew. Even so, the sailors were close to mutiny by the time the fleet reached the Bahamas following roughly two months at sea.

Disciplines within gymnastics

Artistic gymnastics: The gymnast performs a choreographic composition, in which he executes body movements at different speeds. This modality contains several modalities according to the male and female categories. Women can make use of several elements within the geographical composition: uneven bars, balance beam, foal jump, and ground, while in the men’s category they are rings, pommel horse, parallel bars, high bar, colt jump, and floor.

Rhythmic gymnastics: This modality combines elements of ballet, gymnastics, dance, and elements such as rope, hoop, ball, mallets, and ribbon can also be implemented. This category has a level of competitions and another of exhibitions, music, and rhythm are very important when executing movements. Rhythmic gymnastics can be performed individually and in groups. The score is over a maximum of 20 points.

Trampoline gymnastics: In this discipline, a series of exercises are developed in various elastic devices, here acrobatics is the protagonist. Within this discipline, there are three specialties: tumbling, double mini-trampoline, and trampoline, the latter being part of the Olympic Games, since 2000.

Aerobic gymnastics: It is known as sports aerobics, a routine of between 100 and 110 seconds is executed with high-intensity movements in addition to a series of elements of difficulty. The gymnast must develop continuous movements, where he tests flexibility, strength, and perfect execution in the elements.

Acrobatic gymnastics: It takes place in groups: male couple, female couple, mixed couple, female trio, and male quartet. Collective gymnastic demonstrations are held, jumps, figures, and human pyramids are performed.

Gymnastics for all: Gymnastics for everyone has some peculiarities; It is the only non-competitive gymnastics discipline endorsed by FIG. It can be performed by people of all ages and genders in groups from 6 to 150 gymnasts who perform choreography in a synchronized way. It is divided into three categories: white, blue, and red groups. The first is the basic category, the blue group is intermediate, and the red group the advanced. It is characteristic of general gymnastics to use uniform gymnastic elements and accessories to characterize a theme. This discipline may include dynamic activities and exercises from artistic, rhythmic, aerobic, acrobatic, trampoline, and dance gymnastics.

Books and films about Christopher Columbus

Some famous books that tell the story of Christopher Columbus are:

  • Diary On board of Christopher Columbus: tells us how he is surrounded by controversy and mystery.
  • The Four Journeys and the Testament: narrates the first expeditions to the New World.
  • On board diary: stories of Christopher Columbus and his enigmas and secrets.
  • The great adventure of Christopher Columbus: the life of Columbus narrated by Manuel Fernández Álvarez.

Several films have also been created where the story is reflected, among them we can mention:

  • Also the rain: starring Gabriel Bernal and Luis Tosar shows us the two faces that Christopher Columbus had, one ambitious and the other as an intrepid navigator.
  • Alba de América: This is one of the most controversial in the history of Columbus’ arrival in America.
  • The Other Conquest: narrates the resistance that Emperor Moctezuma put up against the Spanish invasion.
  • The Golden One: a film shot in Costa Rica that narrates the role of Spain during the conquest.
  • The Conquest of Paradise: narrates the discovery of America and the experiences of Christopher Columbus, and how the lives of the Indians changed with the discovery.

Written by Gabriela Briceño V.

Behind the scenes


In English, Christoffa Corombo is best known in real-life by the name Christopher Columbus, an anglicization of his name, while Christoffa Corombo is in the Genoese dialect of Ligurian of that period, his native language. In modern Ligurian, his name is Christoffa Combo, in Italian Cristoforo Colombo, and in Spanish Cristóbal Colón.

The Templar Sigma Team operative Violet da Costa notes in the database entry for the North Atlantic that it is Abstergo Industries’s policy to use Christoffa Corombo over Christopher Columbus for a confidential reason related to their Animus Subject 17, the Assassin Desmond Miles.


Despite being friends with the Assassins, it is unclear whether Christoffa is ever aware of the existence of their Brotherhood or that his main benefactors are Assassins, as all explicit in-game mentions of the Assassins and their activities occur when he is not present. When Luis first reveals to Ezio that the Spanish Brotherhood was being purged by the Spanish Inquisition, his conversation takes place in the precise window of time when Christoffa has briefly left to check on their ship. Despite this, Ezio openly describes to him that the attempt on his life in Spain is a Templar scheme, and he does not display any confusion as to the mention of that organization.

Fourth Voyage

Already in his fifties, Columbus felt he had one more trip in him. He convinced the Spanish crown to finance one more journey of discovery. Although Columbus had proven a poor governor, there was no doubting his sailing and discovery skills. He left in May of 1502 and arrived to Hispaniola just ahead of a major hurricane. He sent a warning to the 28-ship fleet about to depart for Spain to delay but they ignored him, and 24 of the ships were lost. Columbus explored more of the Caribbean and part of Central America before his ships rotted. He spent a year on Jamaica before being rescued. He returned to Spain in 1504.

Final Voyage

After convincing King Ferdinand that one more voyage would bring the abundant riches promised, Columbus went on what would be his last voyage in 1502, traveling along the eastern coast of Central America in an unsuccessful search for a route to the Indian Ocean. 

A storm wrecked one of his ships, stranding the captain and his sailors on the island of Cuba. During this time, local islanders, tired of the Spaniards’ poor treatment and obsession with gold, refused to give them food. 

In a spark of inspiration, Columbus consulted an almanac and devised a plan to «punish» the islanders by taking away the moon. On February 29, 1504, a lunar eclipse alarmed the natives enough to re-establish trade with the Spaniards. A rescue party finally arrived, sent by the royal governor of Hispaniola in July, and Columbus and his men were taken back to Spain in November of 1504.

In the two remaining years of his life following his last voyage to the Americas, Columbus struggled to recover his lost titles. Although he did regain some of his riches in May 1505, his titles were never returned. 

Гарри Поттер и тайная комната (2002) (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)

Детектив, Зарубежный фильм, Приключения, Семейный, Фэнтези

tagHD 2160р, tagHD 1080, tagHD 720, tagМаги и Волшебники, tagРежиссерская версия, tagЭкранизация

Экранизация по произведению: Джоан К. Роулинг

Режиссер: Крис Коламбус

В ролях: Дэниэл Рэдклифф, Руперт Гринт, Эмма Уотсон

Начинается второй год обучения Гарри Поттера в школе волшебников. В этом году в школе начинают происходить странные события, некое существо превращает учащихся в каменные статуи, а Гарри начинает слышать в своей голове непонятные голоса, на неизвестном ему языке. Существо оказывается ужасным Василиском, подчиняясь чей-то злой воле, он выползает из Тайной комнаты и наводит ужас на весь Хогвартс. Если так пойдет и дальше, то школе волшебников придет конец. Кто-то должен бросить вызов Василиску, ведь учитель защиты от темных сил оказывается обычным пижоном.

Christopher Columbus Biography Wiki, Biography, Age, Career, Contact & Informations Wiki, Biography, Family & Informations

Wiki, Age, Family, Relationship

Full Name Christopher Columbus
Nickname Christopher Columbus
Father Domenico Colombo
Mother Susanna Fontanarossa
Siblings Bartholomew ColombGiovanni PellegrinoGiacomo ColombBianchinetta Columbus
Family Members _
Date of Birth 26th August 1451
Birthplace Territory of the Republic of Genoa
Horoscope _
Nationality Génois
Religion Muslims
Marital Status Married
Husband Filipa Moniz
Children Diego Colomb, Fernand Colomb
Affair with _
Divorce No

Favourite things

Favourite Food(s) _
Favourite Actor(s) _
Favourite perfume _
Favourite Actress _
Favourite Film _
Favourite Singer(s) _
Favourite Sport _
Favourite Song _
Favourite Brand(s) _


  • After clearing Chapter 11 of Agartha Main Quest

    Rider of Resistance is his alias before clearing the quest.

    , his true name and NP will be revealed to the player.

  • He shares the exact HP values at minimum with Tomoe Gozen, Sakata Kintoki (Rider) and Cú Chulainn (Caster).
  • Columbus’ Noble Phantasm, Santa Maria, was one of the three ships used in his first voyage. The other two were La Niña

    The owner of Santa Maria was Juan de la Cosa.

    and La Pinta. (The two girls in his final ascension artwork represent these other two ships.)

  • He shares the highest Star Absorption with Francis Drake, Queen Medb, and Odysseus



The first Christian Caucasian to reach the waters of America during the Age of Exploration.

It was around the year of 1480 that he got the idea and belief of a westward maritime course. However, it was difficult to find the funds and patrons for the voyage, and it was only in 1492 that he managed to actually depart. In 1492, Columbus finally crossed the Atlantic Ocean with three flagships; the Santa Maria, La Niña, and La Pinta. On the verge of a rebellion by insecure sailors, they reached the waters of America and discovered the San Salvador Island.

The first thing Columbus, who had finally reached his destination, did was plunder the valuable things from the native people there and take them as slaves. There’s nothing stopping him anymore now that he had discovered a New World. A second voyage also took place soon after, and new islands were found one after another. Of course, the slaughter, rape, and plundering of the natives by the Spaniards led by Columbus didn’t stop—


Rider Stage 1 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Moto Murabito.

Rider Stage 2 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Moto Murabito.

Rider Stage 3 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Moto Murabito.

Rider Stage 4 in Fate/Grand Order, illustrated by Moto Murabito.

A younger Rider, illustrated by Moto Murabito.

Lerche’s character sheet of Christopher Columbus in Fate/Grand Carnival.


A man at the prime of his life who has experienced sweetness and bitterness. He talks of not giving up things that one considers important, and strikes the shoulders of comrades who have been disheartened to encourage them. From that face, composure has never been lost. That fearless smile has never faded. —He knows. That if you continue pressing on, you will certainly reach the destination of your desire.

Columbus’ Route

The Asian islands near China and India were fabled for their spices and gold, making them an attractive destination for Europeans – but Muslim domination of the trade routes through the Middle East made travel eastward difficult.

Columbus devised a route to sail west across the Atlantic to reach Asia, believing it would be quicker and safer. He estimated the earth to be a sphere and the distance between the Canary Islands and Japan to be about 2,300 miles.

Many of Columbus’ contemporary nautical experts disagreed. They adhered to the (now known to be accurate) second-century B.C. estimate of the Earth’s circumference at 25,000 miles, which made the actual distance between the Canary Islands and Japan about 12,200 statute miles.

Despite their disagreement with Columbus on matters of distance, they concurred that a westward voyage from Europe would be an uninterrupted water route.


Columbus proposed a three-ship voyage of discovery across the Atlantic first to the Portuguese king, then to Genoa and finally to Venice. He was rejected each time.

In 1486, he went to the Spanish monarchy of Queen Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon. Their focus was on a war with the Muslims, and their nautical experts were skeptical, so they initially rejected Columbus.

The idea, however, must have intrigued the monarchs, for they kept Columbus on a retainer. Columbus continued to lobby the royal court, and soon the Spanish army captured the last Muslim stronghold in Granada in January of 1492. Shortly thereafter, the monarchs agreed to finance his expedition.

Final Voyage

After convincing King Ferdinand that one more voyage would bring the abundant riches promised, Columbus went on what would be his last voyage in 1502, traveling along the eastern coast of Central America in an unsuccessful search for a route to the Indian Ocean.

A storm wrecked one of his ships, stranding the captain and his sailors on the island of Cuba. During this time, local islanders, tired of the Spaniards’ poor treatment and obsession with gold, refused to give them food.

In a spark of inspiration, Columbus consulted an almanac and devised a plan to “punish” the islanders by taking away the moon. On February 29, 1504, a lunar eclipse alarmed the natives enough to re-establish trade with the Spaniards. A rescue party finally arrived, sent by the royal governor of Hispaniola in July, and Columbus and his men were taken back to Spain in November of 1504.

In the two remaining years of his life following his last voyage to the Americas, Columbus struggled to recover his lost titles. Although he did regain some of his riches in May of 1505, his titles were never returned.


Год Заголовок Директор Режиссер Сценарист
Безрассудный  да
Гремлины  да
1985 г. Балбесы ( Goonies )  да
Тайна пирамиды ( Молодой Шерлок Холмс )  да
1987 г. Безумная ночь ( Приключения няни )  да
1988 г. Отель разбитых сердец  да  да
1989 г. Маленький Немо: Приключения в Стране сна  да
1990 г. Мама, я опоздал на самолет ( Один дома )  да
1991 г. Твоя мать или я ( Только одинокий )  да  да
1992 г. Мама, я снова опоздал на самолет ( Один дома 2: Затерянный в Нью-Йорке )  да
1993 г. Миссис Даутфайр ( миссис Даутфайр )  да
1995 г. Девять месяцев ( девять месяцев )  да
1996 г. Джингл ( Jingle All the Way )  да
1998 г. Мой лучший враг ( мачеха )  да
1999 г. Двухсотлетний человек ( Bicentennial Man )  да
2001 г. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone ( Гарри Поттер и Философский камень )
Обезьяна  да
2002 г. Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната ( Harry Potter and the Secret Room )  да
2004 г. Безумное Рождество! ( Рождество с чудаками )  да
Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана ( Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban )  да
2005 г. Фантастическая четверка ( Fantastic Four )  да
Арендная плата  да
2006 г. Night at the Museum ( Ночь в музее )  да
2007 г. Фантастическая четверка и Серебряный серфер ( Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer )  да
2009 г. Ночь в музее 2 ( Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian )  да
Я люблю тебя, Бет Купер  да
2010 г. Перси Джексон: Похититель молний ( Перси Джексон и олимпийцы: Похититель молний )  да
2011 г. Цвет чувств ( Помощь )  да
2012 г. Эпплбаум (телефильм)  да
Перси Джексон: Море чудовищ ( Percy Jackson: Sea of ​​Monsters )  да
2014 г. Маленькие аварии  да
Ночь в музее: Тайна фараонов  да
2015 г. Пикселей  да
2016 г. Христос Господь: из Египта  да
Таллула  да
2017 г. Патти Торт $  да
Гигантский охотник  да
2018 г. Рождественские хроники ( The Christmas Chronicles )  да
2020 г. Скуби! ( Скуб! )  да
Рождественские хроники 2 ( The Christmas Chronicles 2 )  да


Колумб был активным джазовым музыкантом с 1920-х по 1970-е годы и был отцом Сонни Пейна . Он руководил своей собственной группой с 1930-х до конца 1940-х годов, некоторое время проработав резидентуру в Savoy Ballroom . После середины 1940-х он играл на барабанах позади Луи Джордана , оставаясь с ним до 1952 года. В середине-конце 1950-х годов Колумб поддержал органную комбинацию Дикого Билла Дэвиса , и он записался с Дюком Эллингтоном в 1967 году. лидер 1970-х, помимо гастролей по Европе с Дэвисом. Во Франции он играл с Флойдом Смитом , Элом Греем , Эдди «Чистоголовым» Винсоном , Бадди Тейтом и Милтом Бакнером .

До инсульта, который частично парализовал его в 1993 году, Коломбо был самым старым работающим музыкантом в Атлантик-Сити .

Коломбо получил свой первый профессиональный концерт, играя с Флетчером Хендерсоном в 1921 году. В период с 1920-х по 1960-е годы он играл в большинстве ночных клубов города и руководил оркестром Club Harlem в течение 34 лет до 1978 года, когда клуб закрыл свои двери. После этого группа Коломбо выступала практически в каждом казино- отеле Атлантик-Сити . Во время инсульта он регулярно играл в Showboat .

Плакат к фильму 1945 года « Это случилось в Гарлеме»

Коломбо работал, записывался и гастролировал с известными джазовыми исполнителями, включая Дьюка Эллингтона , Диззи Гиллеспи , Луи Джордана , Луи Армстронга , Дикого Билла Дэвиса и Эллу Фицджеральд . Коломбо записал на лейбле Strand альбом под названием Jazz: Re-Discovering Old Favorites от Chris Columbo Quintette [так в оригинале ], включая версию «Summertime» с участием органиста Джонни «Хаммонда» Смита . Эта пластинка (с оборотной стороной высокотемпо-минорного блюза под названием «Minerology» [ sic ]) была довольно успешной на радио в начале 1960-х. Коломбо взмахивал палками в воздухе, отскакивал ими от пола и часто прыгал с сиденья мотоцикла, которое было его барабанным троном. Его сыном был барабанщик Count Basie Orchestra Сонни Пейн . Коломбо также появился в фильме 1945 года « Это случилось в Гарлеме» по мотивам ночного клуба « Смоллс рай» в Гарлеме и в фильме 1947 года « Берегись, сестра» .

New outbreak: COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)

At the end of 2019, a new outbreak of the virus emerged in China, today called 2019nCov, COVID-19, or Wuhan Coronavirus. The epicenter was a market for live animals and although its origin is not certain, it is believed to come from the pangolins. The first reported cases were of people who were in the market, relatives, medical personnel, and visitors who were in the area. The virus appears to be transmitted by close contact. After the report of the first cases and the taking of measures by the Chinese government, the inhabitants of Wuhan were isolated, while in other countries measures were extreme pending a statement from the WHO.

Although initially, the WHO was cautious, in light of the new cases and the rapid spread of the disease, on January 30th the WHO declared an international emergency. By then, the virus had already reached Thailand, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, the United States, Singapore, France, and Germany, among other countries. In March, the first cases appear in Latin America and Africa. Among the countries most affected by the virus are: Italy, the United States, Spain, the United States, and South Korea.

Currently, many countries have taken precautions such as isolation, border closures, cancellation of classes, public events, and the shutdown of transportation systems. Also, due to the spread of the virus, many supplies have been depleted. It should be noted that the virus is especially dangerous for the elderly and children. These are the most affected by the virus, as are people who suffer from other diseases at the time of contracting the virus.

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